Chrysalis (2021)
paper, light, clay, soil, charcoal, sediment, vegetation and formicidae
collaborative installation with the earth
Press Release from Gallery 1010, September 3, 2021:
This sensation
From the crunching bones of palms
And seeping out of fingertips
Coursing and pulsing
Toes spread
Hips sway
Trembling from a touch of atrophy
And gravity
Leaves splay out from the branch
Which bends and curves
An observational analysis of the surrounding world
Time and erosion hold some truth
Time and erosion also obscure it
They are the ancient myth-makers
This is a reflection
It has to do with seeing
And sensing
Remembering and misremembering
Trial and error
Putting disjointed and frayed ends together
Hoping something sparks
There is a placing and sorting occurring
A type of piecing and restoring
Something old to something new
Or something borrowed
Maybe not so blue
But familiar
With its color
Vaguely reminiscent of a plant in the backyard
An herb added to the bread
There’s a sprint
And a type of dizziness that accompanies it
And right before passing out and throwing up
A type of magic happens then
It’s a making and not making,
Remaking and recreating and tearing down,
And passing down and passing over
It’s learning a language but not all of the way
Creating a new tongue from made-up words
A type of post postscript