99 Neighborhoods I (2018)
house paint, clay, wood and iron ore
99 Neighborhoods I was created as a physical representation of the 99 neighborhoods that make up Birmingham, Alabama. The houses correspond in scale and character with the neighborhoods and their unique populations. This project is about connecting with individual communities and celebrating the diversity that composes the city—with its tumultuous history of segregation and inequality. Divided neighborhoods have prevented the city from making unified decisions in social and political arenas. 99 Neighborhoods I aims to bring attention to this very issue and create conversations about how the city can go and grow from here.
The wooden houses belong to a toy collection from the 1800’s. Clay and iron ore houses emulate their matchbox design in two opposing materials: one that is easily broken and another that is difficult to erode. These miniature sculptures act as toys; they are meant to be played with and have memories embedded into them, much like cities do.